Useful information about Brethine

How long after stoping brethine does labor start? I am 36 weeks pregnant and 3 cm dilated 70% thinned and measuring at 37 weeks and they placed me on Brethine until Monday. The doctor told me he will not stop my labor now so when I stop the Brethine on Monday how long will it take to go into labor?
The lowest price: buy Brethine online It might not start back up for another week after that or more. There really is no telling. I hope your little one stays cooking in there so he/she can get strong! Best wishes.
How long does the Brethine Injection work for preterm labor? I am asking please please please help me find this answer! I went into preterm labor last night and was gave two shots of brethine to stop contractions. Im 35 weeks and turn 36 tomorrow. I want to know how long it lasts to stop it?

It depends on how your body reacts to it. I have had to have those shots 5 different times - about every two weeks. I'm surprised they gave them to you considering you are that close to 36 weeks and most doctors allow the baby to come at 36 weeks. That depends on you. If you remain on bed and pelvic rest, stay well hydrated, and try to remain relaxed and calm, you shouldn't need to have any other intervention for preterm labor. True preterm labor is difficult to stop, so most likely if they were able to stop it with just two injections of brethine, you should be ok. The shot isnt' actually in your body an incredibly long time.when it is given, it relaxes the uterus. Sometimes, that is all that is needed to stop contractions from turning into full blown preterm labor. If you're cervix isn't changing (which I doubt it is if they let you go home), then you're not in preterm labor.
My doctor has placed me on Brethine due to a thinning cervix, is it safe to have sex? I am 33 weeks now. The doctor took me out of work but he didn't indicate any restrictions for home.
I would definitely ask your doctor this question. It's not something I'd really trust in the hands of Yahoo Answers users. I'd call and ask. I'm not going to say yes and you believe all of us and he just forgot to write it down. Call the doctor's office. They are used to questions like that. Seriously. YOu should see the questions I come up with. make a sailor blush. Well, that would probably mean you are on modified bedrest. Call them and ask them if you are on pelvic rest too. I would bet anything you are on pelvic rest too, but this is something to ask your OB. You'll have to ask your doctor on that one. I'd think since you're at risk for preterm labor, it's not safe though. the person to ask is your doctor. if you're on restricted activity (like no work) odds are good sex isn't a great idea either; and if you're already having trouble with your cervix sex is (again) not the best idea if you want your baby to be full-term. which is best for the baby and also for you - a bigger stronger baby is more likely to sleep through nights sooner and need less frequent feedings! not a guarantee, but better chance of it, and every little bit helps!! This is definately a question for a doctor.not us sweet peeps here on yahoo answers.Better to be safe than sorry. My 'opinion' is that if he is taking you out of work then you should take it easy on the sex until the baby is born but your doctor is really the best person to answer that. Hope he gives you the ok cause I know I would be!
Could I still go into labor even if I take Brethine that was prescribe from the doctor? I am 31 weeks pregnant and I was put on bed rest when I was 28 weeks because my cervix is funneling (shortening). They said my cervix has gotten very short. They gave me Brethine to stop the contractions and on bed rest so I won't have the baby now. I was wondering even if I take Brethine to stop contractions would I still go into labor? Has anyone ever went into labor while taking Brethine?
Yes there is a possibility that the brethine will not work. If that happens you will go back to the doctor and they will try a different medicine. In my case I did start having contractions again and they had to give me injections to stop them. Good luck hun.
Will having the brethine shot to stop contractions hurt the baby? I am 33 weeks and having preterm contractions, I had the shot twice within 12 hours will this hurt the baby?
no. it will not hurt the baby. they give it to help the baby from not coming too early. if it was in any way a hazard they wouldn't do it! take care and good luck.
4 contractions in 2 hours, should I take a brethine pill? I'm 31.5 weeks and they prescribed me brethine but I haven't taken one yet. When should I take one?I've been to the ER recently 4 times and they gave me a brethine shot every time to stop the contractions so I wouldn't dilate, now they gave me the brethine pills and I need to know when to take it.

I would probably wait unilt 4 in ONE hour, or 6 an hour(when my doctor said I needed to worry). But you might call lbor and delivery and ask them. Didn't your doctor give you instructions on when it is appropriate to take them? Look on your prescription, or call the office and ask.Most of the time what I see in the hospital as the marker is 6 contractions in ONE hour. But always ask if you aren't sure. I would think you need further clarification from the doctor. I believe those pills stop labor, so if you're having contractions, my guess is to take one! This is a question for the doctor or pharmacist. We aren't qualified!! I took brethine with all three of my kids . they should have told you when they prescribed it how to take it and when. Yes it will give you the jitters but its a small price to pay rather than to have a preemie.