Question about medication - Vesicare? I went to the GP last week for a kidney infection (not my usual GP, as he was away for Christmas). One of the medications I was prescribed was Vesicare.I read on the package insert (after I finished the pack of 6) that you should not take it if you have trouble emptying your bladder - that's me, and the reason why I constantly get UTIs - prolapsed bladder which doesn't empty.I've had terrible blurry/ double vision for the past 2 days, this is apparently a common side effect. Has anyone else taken Vesicare and can you tell me how long it will take for me to be able to see properly again? I'm struggling to work and can't drive!
The best price for rx medications:The most complete and accurate information about Vesicare without prescription
Well the side effects usually last as long as you are on the Vesicare and should stop as soon as you stop taking it.
I seem to be having bladder control issues I have tried Detrol, Oxytrol and now Vesicare. ? The Vesicare seemed to work the best but is has now been a little over a month since I started using it and it has now stopped working. I am 40 years old and wearing adult diapers. I have noticed that the severity of my loss of control seems to be a big issue when it gets close to what would be my time of the month. Even thou I no longer have a period due to surgery. My Doctor says it is not the result of child bearing my children were both c-sections. Does anybody know of any other options I can try.I have also tried drinking cranberry juice in the past and am doing so now but doesn't seem to be working.
You could try the holistic route and look up remedies such as bladdex, motherwort, even cranberry extract and see if they help any of the symptoms you have. Plus it's natural so you don't need to worry about many side effects.Good luck!
You implied that you've talked to your doctor about this. Have you seen a specialist? (a urologist or, better yet, a urogynecologist)? It's probably time that you got a referral to one of these.First of all, incontinence is very common among young women. The good news is that it is curable in most cases. There are several treatments available, and they vary depending on the specific type of incontinence you're having. The drugs you mentioned are good for urge incontinence, (aka overactive bladder), characterized by sudden, strong urges to urinate that you sometimes can't control. If you're having stress incontinence (leakage of smaller amounts of urine when you cough, laugh, sneeze, or exercise), the medications are not as effective. However, exercises/physical therapy/biofeedback, and occasionally surgery are effective. It is common to have this problem even if you haven't been pregnant or if you've given birth by caesarian, so I wouldn't rule this out just because of that.So I'd definitely talk to the doctor again and ask for a referral. In the meantime, there are better products than "adult diapers". Have you tried anything else?I hope you feel better soon. Please feel free to contact me. I can relate!
Will these two prescriptions interfere with each other? Vesicare (for Overactive Bladder) and Yaz (birth control).I was put on Yaz for acne control a few months after i was put on Vesicare. I didn't think to ask the Dermatologist if they would interfere with each other. I just don't want to keep taking the Yaz for acne if the Vesicare will counteract it or anything.
No. The online drug interaction checker only found one interaction between Yaz and grapefruit juice. No interactions for Yaz and Vesicare.
What is Vesicare useed for?
Vesicare is used for the treatment of an overactive bladder with or without urge incontinence. Note: Anyone that has a previous condition of hypersensitivity (urinary retention), gastric retention, poorly controlled closed-angled glaucoma, or liver disease should NOT take it in any shape or form. Side affects: Blurred vision, dry mouth, constipation, and on a rare occassion, depending on the individual reaction, it could cause heat prostration due to decreased perspiration.
Here is the website for Vesicare with alot of useful information, also ask ypu doctor about any questions you may have/
Does anyone know the name of the song from the vesicare (pipe people) commercial?
I don't, but here's the contact link to the company that made the commercial:
Are you on Vesicare? Kegel exercises can help with that.
I've never taken Vesicare but I have heard some good things about it (and not just because of what is said in the commercials on tv). As for kegel exercises yes it can help with some forms of urinary incontinence.
anyone try vesicare?
Can some meds cause my period to be late? I just started a new Rx med called Vesicare.its for overactive bladder. Do some meds cause periods to get delayed? Mine is about a week overdue. I am sure I am not pregnant. I have also changed my diet. Thanks!
I have never heard of Vesicare delaying a period. If you have made a drastic diet change, I would think that would be more likely.
Yes, along with stress as well, so a variety of factors may be delaying you
The commercial says "Talk to your doctor about.", but my question is: How many prescriptions will i get? let's see, we've got Levitra, Viagra, Cialis, Ambien, Nasonex, Celabrex, Nexium, Zocor, Wellbutrin, Humira, Avodart, Vesicare, Lunesta, Rozerem, Vytorin, Crestor, Plavix, Zyrtec, Crestor, Avandia, Fosamax, Lamisil and Singulair.and these are the ones i can remember off hand.
I don't think your doctor will approve half of that. For one thing, some of those medication are contra-indicated with the others. He'll probably only give you what you'd die without.
You know, they also have those sleep aid commercials that tell you that you shouldn't drive or operate heavy machinery until you know how that particular medication will affect you. I've been confined to my home for months because I don't know how those medicines affect me. My doctor won't make a prescription because he says I don't need them. How am I supposed to go to work?
well, our family also uses quite much meds:))lets see .. cialis, acomplia, propecia.. quite often and also some others a few times a year. we buy our meds at online generic pharmacy .work same as brand, at least did not see any difference yet, have saved lots of money that way.
That says "TALK TO YOUR DR." he isn't going to approve what he thinks isn't necessary. The only prescriptions you will get are for what you need. It doesn't mean you can get them just because they advertise them and say ask your Dr about them. They are just advertising.
I personally go out of my way to avoid prescribing drugs that use direct-to-consumer advertising. The ads generally drive people to take drugs they don't need, and there's almost always an alternative when they really do need them.
Amen WWD. I'm a student on the research side, not the clinical side, but even I have serious problems with direct-to-consumer advertising.
None from me!I also think consumer advertising is just plain wrong. When we see an ad that says "Talk to your doctor about.", I look at my family members and say, " Nope. Not gonna talk about it!"If they put their advertising budget into actually HELPING people, what a great thing that would be.