Can you drink alcoholic beverages after taking Maxalt? I took a 10mg Maxalt today around 1h30. My friend and I have had plans to party since yesterday, and I don't want to ruin them. Can I drink later even after taking this medication?
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If you have a few drinks you should be fine. Alcohol and maxalt will only increase the sedation effect of maxalt, which you may or may not feel regularly. Just watch what you drink, and space them out until you know your limit while you're on the medications. Medications can greatly affect your tolerance of alcohol. When in doubt, don't have another drink.
Is there a generic available for Maxalt yet? I've been using Maxalt for a number of years and heard on the news that a number of patents on drugs have expired, meaning generics would be available. I can't find a list of those drugs. Does anyone know if Maxalt is on that list and would be available as a generic now? It's so expensive.
Hiin the states there is no available generic, but if you're interested, there is a generic available from overseas.check Drugstoregenerics.comthey have it and it's pretty cheap because it's generic.
so far rizatriptan(maxalt) is only available in the brand name.
Is there a higher risk of pregnancy when taking Maxalt? Someone told me that they thought, when taking Maxalt (migraine prescription), that you were supposed to use extra birth control. Is this true? Does it weaken birth control pills? Or is this all a bunch of crap I was told?
How does maxalt rizatriptan work? I take this medication for my migraine attacks. I'd like to know whether this medication merely numbs the head like a painkiller or does this medication try to get da enlargened blood vessels to get back to normal size?
Click on the link to see how it works. It contains warnings too. I take Synflex (Naproxen) for my migraines and period pains.
How much does Maxalt-MLT Oral typically cost at Wal-Mart without insurance? I've tried many meds over many years. This is a last resort. I guess I can't even do it though because I have no prescription insurance and have only a part-time job for the time being.
It is ridiculously expensive no matter what pharmacy you get it from. I would call around several pharmacies, CVS, Walgreens, grocery stores etc. before you fill it at wal mart. I know from experience that stuff like that tends to be cheaper at a drugstore. From what I can remember off the top of my head they are like $30 per pill, but I know that is if you buy 12 or so. It is usually more if you just buy 1 or 2.One other thing to consider. Have you tried Imitrex? It doesn't come as a dissolving tablet but it is available in generic now which will bring the cost down a little bit.
Is it safe to take zoloft and maxalt together? I've heard about seritonin syndrome from taking these to medications. What is the risk? What would a safe alternative be if it isn't safe?Thanks.
Mixing any drug is not good. Taking a drug by itself can have alot of side effects. A good alternative would probaby be St. Johns Wort. It's an herb used for depression mainly
I take Zoloft and I also suffer from migraines and take Zomig, which is another triptan (like Maxalt). My doctor said that the warnings on the label are not really anything to worry about, and it's fine to combine them both.Also, zoloft is often used (like other SSRI's) to help with migraines, as a prophylactic. Triptans are generally safe to take as abortives.Do ask your doctor to make sure that's right for you, but I did want to pass on what I was told. I know many migraneurs combine SSRI's with triptans without any problems.
How does Maxalt (rizatriptan benzoate) affect your weight? I suffer from migraine headaches and there is a perscription called Maxalt - MLT (rizatriptan benzoate). I was wondering if it made you gain weight, or lose weight, or maybe it doesn't effect weight at all, i just was wondering cause i wasnt sure.
There is nothing about side effects of gaining
It could make you retain fluid and thus cause weight gain. hopefully you will not have to take it over a long period.
Is it normal for Maxalt-MLT to cause frequent and painful urniation? I took it at 6 last night when I felt a migraine coming on. It worked and then I took my normal nightly medication (Amitriptyline) at 11 before I went to sleep. I woke up at 5 30 am having to urinate and it hurt. I have now had to urinate about every half hour or so and it is painful.
No, that is not a common side effect. It sounds like you might have a urinary tract infection. You should see a doctor.
Why isn't the Maxalt-MLT and Naproxen I take working to relieve my migraine? I've had the same migraine for a week. I take the medications exactly how the doctor prescribed, but nothing is helping. I'm a student and mid-terms are this week. It's hard for me to concentrate and I can't live like this forever. Please help me.I have tried Advil, Tylenol, and Excedrin. Nothing is working.
Have you identified any of the triggers? that is paramount. Usually certain types of food, smells etc. the trigger is the most important intervention that can be done. Assuming that doesn't work, I wouldn't take the naproxen. Look for an OTC product called Excedrin migraine (contains caffeine, aspirin and tylenol I think), the caffeine works wonders. There are some other medications that can help, but they all have side-effects:Neurontin - very sedatingCertain anticonvulsants (seizure medications) have been shown to help, but they are last-ditchBeta-blockers help but for young people they feel weird to be on because they lower your heart rate.