Can Arcalion use for better performance during Exam days by normal student with high IQ? my daughter is 15 yr old & healthy , going to attend SSc X examinationcan she use Arcalion for better performance during Exam daysCan this use to increase mind energy , concentration by normal
student, adult etcwhat may be side effect and what should be use as complimentary drugs
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Is Arcalion to be classified as a Vitamin in deciding a n Insurance Claim?
Arcalion or Silbutamine is a quack`s prescription. It is not classified into any category in insurance
Does Arcalion 200 (for memory improvement and stuff like that) really work?
if you must take a supplement try cod liver oil for brain improvement or any oily fish in your diet will help i try and eat 3 portions a week of mackerel
Dont know i keep forgeting to take it
There is absolutely NO proof any product increases memory.The only exception might be the vitamin B complex (mainly B6 and B12), where in prospective randomised trials it did show an improvement in the so-called "minimental" test, but the methodology used was very much debated at that time.Nothing improves memory other than "memory training".
From what I read, Arcalion 200 is used in the treatment of asthenia which is a feeling of fatigue or weakness (without loss of any actual strength). It apparently improves the metabolic functions of the cerebral cortex in animals although I'm dubious that it in fact improves memory in humans. Many reliable studies do show though that a combination of ginko biloba and gingseng can in fact improve your memory, in my experience it has been really beneficial. Together with a good diet which includes omega 3, I think its definitely a winner. This is one of many websites where you can get further information.
Can Arcalion use for better performance during Exam days by normal student with high IQ? my daughter 15 yr old healthy going to attend SSc X examinationcan she use Arcalion for better performance during Exam daysCan this use to increase mind energy , concentration to normal student, adult etcwhat may be side effect and what should be complimentary drugs
It could be. Any drugs could have side effects that would affect concentration. The dosage also play a vital role.
what can you tell me about arcalion ? details from users would be alot welcome !
Are the effects of Arcalion (sulbutiamine) long-term? or do you have to keep taking it to experience the benefits?
Yes, Arcalion needs to be taken for the period of 2 weeks to 1 month. generally has a long term effect, which last over the period of at least 6 month after the drug is administrated.Pull yourself out of asthenia.& Switch On With Arcalion. Vaibhav SharmaSerdia Pharmacuetical
wat is arcalion used for? will it be effective in weakness ? any stress related weakness
Is Arcalion suitable for me? I am 16 years old and I go to school. I read on the Internet about a drug called Arcalion, which in my country is sold without medical prescription and I would like to know what it does exactly. Can it help with my concentration levels? Can it enhance my memory? Is it suitable for a 16-year-old? Please answer if you have had personal experience or if you have great knowledge on the matter because I have read many different views on the Net. P.S. I am not asking for extensive answers but please, whatever you have to say, make it clear! :)Excuse my english!Oh! I forgot! If your answer is against Arcalion, could you propose some other nootropic which could increase my concentration and/or memory?10 points to best answerAnd something else? Is this drug addictive? If yes can you propose a non-addictive smart drug?Please don't post somebody else's opinion as your own. I specifically asked for answers from people who have tried it and /or from people who know the matter very well
Arcalion is prescribed by quacks. Arcalion . Chemicaly called SULBUTIAMINE but not anyway related to SALBUTAMOL misleads even doctors to think it can be a stimulant. Marketed by Serdia Pharmaceuticals Ltd., it is supposed to be effective in stress related asthenia of students,elderly,and menopausal women. It is costly and useless. It doesn`t improve memory or speed up recovery.
all about medicine called (arcalion) 200 ml? i need to know any informations about a medicine called (arcalion) 200 m . what is it used for . the dosage .. when not use it .. and links would be good too
Arcalion is prescribed by quacks. Arcalion . Chemicaly called SULBUTIAMINE but not anyway related to SALBUTAMOL misleads even doctors to think it can be a stimulant. Marketed by Serdia Pharmaceuticals Ltd., it is supposed to be effective in stress related asthenia of students,elderly,and menopausal women. It is costly and useless. It doesn`t improve memory or speed up recovery.
Arcalion is produced by a french company, Perfectly safe for the human body, acts by stimulating nerve endings in the brain and preserving its cells,excellent memory energizer,effective in Alzaheimer treatment, taken by an average adult:2 pills per day, and starts having an effect 1-2 months later, unfortuantly upon withdrawl causes temporarily short memory loss and nightmares.
can i use Arcalion in 22years old?
what is arcalion 200?
it's a drug that's a derivative of vitamin B1 that may be used to treat erectile dysfunction and memory loss. Arcalion is the brand name, and the 200 refers to the suggested 200mg dose.For more info, see the wiki page on the main chemical component.